Thursday, August 14, 2008

install wine and ies4linux on linux.

1. sudo yum install -y wine*

2. download ies4linux

3. install ies4linux.

4. wine Chinese.
4.1 copy simsun.ttc from windows\Fonts to .wine/driver_c/windows/fonts/
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes]
"Arial CE,238"="simsun"
"Arial CYR,204"="simsun"
"Arial Greek,161"="simsun"
"Arial TUR,162"="simsun"
"Courier New"="simsun"
"Courier New CE,238"="simsun"
"Courier New CYR,204"="simsun"
"Courier New Greek,161"="simsun"
"Courier New TUR,162"="simsun"
"MS Sans Serif"="simsun"
"MS Shell Dlg"="simsun"
"MS Shell Dlg 2"="simsun"
"Times New Roman CE,238"="simsun"
"Times New Roman CYR,204"="simsun"
"Times New Roman Greek,161"="simsun"
"Times New Roman TUR,162"="simsun"
"Tms Rmn"="simsun"

4.3 run regedit ~/.wine/fonts.reg

1 comment:

狗尾草 said...

首先在 system.reg 里手动添加

[Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\FontLink\\SystemLink] 1150441842
"Tahoma"=str(7):"simsun.ttf,\x5b8b\x4f53\0msgothic.ttc,MS UI Gothic\0mingliu.ttc,PMingLiU\0"

其中simsun.ttf 换成你喜欢的字体, \x5b8b\x4f53 换成这个字体中文名字的 UNICODE 编码(老版本 WINE 用英文, 比如 SimSun)

然后运行 regedit, 在 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsfot\windows nt\currentversion\fontsubstitutes 里加上

MS Shell Dlg(类型是 REG_SZ, 值是SimSun)
MS Shell Dlg 2(类型是 REG_SZ, 值是SimSun)

这里SimSun其实可以用 Tahoma, 因为上面已经设置了fontlink, 不过有些对话框
会太大, 你试试看运行 winecfg, 如果大小没有超出屏幕, 那就用 Tahoma, 效果比较好